How are you coping?

Anxiety and Stress are very similar and both play an important role to play in our life. The stress response helps us get around safely when we are in danger or need to "fight or flight" and can be beneficial at times. The difference between them however, is how we manage and cope with situations.

People experiencing high level of anxiety may be unable to stop worrying about seemingly unimportant things, and they can perceive situations as much worse than they actually are. It interferes with the enjoyment of life and disrupts work, relationships and self-perceptions.

The good news is - anxiety disorders are treatable, and learning about anxiety is an important first step.  Anxiety can affect your ability to concentrate, sleep and carry out ordinary tasks at work, home or school. People with anxiety disorders often feel compelled to avoid stressful situations and in extreme cases avoid going out altogether. Physical symptoms are common, such as shortness of breath, a pounding heart and shaking hands.

At our Naturopathic clinic in Cairns we now offer counselling as well as herbal remedies, supplements, life coaching and nutritional medicine to assist people to gain both the tools you require to cope, and the nutritients you may be lacking which may be adding to your body not being able to function effectively. Make an appointment with one of our natural health care practitioners to discuss how we can help you.

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